I think this Lego Mindstorms website has what you are looking for. There are instructions for the Lego 8527 "Classic Clock", "Alpha Rex", and "Music Player", plus the Music Player's NXT program files.
I saw one, but the instructions posted for the "improved" alpha rex only show the part different than the original build. There are also 13 thousand+ designs on there. I went through about 25 pages and only saw one alpha rex 2.0
Alpha Rex Rbt Program
@DLuders and others, in the meantime (I sent you that file a long time ago ), I made a new zip file containing the program instructions too (as requested by some). You can download the complete zip file here.
Hi all! Recently I've been playing with my old Mindstorms NXT 1.0 that I got as a child, and as I now own a Mac, I had to update my software to the 2.0 version for compatibility. Unfortunately, I now want to help a young cousin follow the building and programming instructions for the 1.0 model, but my software now only has the 2.0 model's instructions. While I can find the building instructions online, I can't find the programming guide. Is there a way I can download the 1.0 instructions into the 2.0 software? Thanks
I have found that the only way is to basically rewrite all of the XML and HTML code that relates to the building/programming instructions and manually transform all of the old building instructions images to the right image format one at a time. This was a process that took me nearly a week to accomplish. The resultant zip folder to be extracted directly to the C drive of Windows is just under 30 Mb. and will only work as-is if it was installed in the default location.
The MINDSTORMS NXT 1.0 is a programmable LEGO robotics set released in July 2006. It contains motors, sensors, and various parts and pieces used to create virtually any type of robot of your choice. Included with the set is NXT-G: a drag-and-drop graphical programming language written in LabVIEW.
With the rise in popularity of the Mindstorms NXT many third party companies like Mindsensors and Dexter Industries were started to create additional sensors and hardware compatible with the set. Additionally, many third-party programs such as NXC, NBC, leJOS, and RobotC were created for use with the NXT sets.
The set features four models starter models ranging from easy to difficult. It also has information on how to program the models. The instructions can be found on the programming software included with the set. The instructions are very clear and concise; they thoroughly explain each and every step.
The primary goal forthe RBT project is to allow a user to install software, first andforemost on Linux systems, and typically from source - in otherwords: to simply compile the program at hand from a remote URL.
While this is the primary goal of the RBT project, the fullscope of the RBT project is a significantly wider one:the RBT project will also attempt to help as a buildtoolset, that is, as means to help people managesoftware on their respective computer systems ingeneral. This may even extend towards other programminglanguages, be it python, java, C/C++, shell scripts - youname it.
Yet another goal for the RBT project is to provideall the raw data used for managing all programson a Linux Distribution or another Operatingsystem. What you do with this data is up to you; Isimply wanted to have this all available within asingle project as-is.
As a brief teaser, though, and short explanation tothis, consider the program called htop which is storedin the file called htop.yml. anjuta is storedin anjuta.yml and so on and so forth. If theprogram name contains any '-' character then theseare ignored, so the program -commander/1.14/gnome-commander-1.14.3.tar.xzwould be stored in the .yml file gnomecommander.yml.
This is a rather simple convention - the name of theprogram will become the name of the yaml file inquestion. These so-called individual "cookbooks"(aka "to cook/compile a program from source)can then be used by other projects. Note that thisterm is a bit similar to the old linux distributioncalled sorcery ( ).
For example, one part of RBT can be used to autogenerate completion filesfor bash and zsh; I use this to more easily compile programs, such asby typing "ry autom", to become the very same as "ry automake". Thisthus saves me a few keystrokes on the keyboard.
However had, even if you do not intend to install or compile anythingthrough RBT, many different programs are registered in this project,which may be of (indirect) help in some other ways, such as if youwish to determine which particular binary on a given Linux systembelongs to which particular application, or if you intend toimplement a package manager on your own. (The dataset for thestandalone programs is available under the namespace RBT::Cookbooks.For a list of all registered programs, you can simply querythe toplevel-method RBT.available_programs?).
The primary core functionality of the RBT project, howeverhad, lies in compiling programs from source, as this is what Iuse RBT for on an almost daily basis. It also was the originalreason why the RBT project was started many ears ago.
I usually start by navigating to the php/ subdirectoryfirst, of the directory where I keep all source directories(which is /home/x/src/ on my home setup). Strictlyspeaking this cd-operation (change directory) is not necessary;the RBT scripts will work fine from other directories too.But I found it is easier if I first go to the directorywhere I keep the corresponding source archive. In thecontext of this paragraph, php could then be foundat /home/x/src/php/. I follow the "one directoryper program" rule. It is a simple approach.
And if things go alright from that point forward (which theytend to do, at the least for php and many other programsthat can be compiled), then php will have been compiledand installed afterwards into the /usr/ prefix, or theAppDir prefix on my home system, which would be/home/Programs/Php/8.0.3/, for instance. That'sit for the most part: I just compiled a program fromsource.
When I compile a (new) program via RBT, such as by issuing "compilehtop" or "rbt htop" or "ry htop" (I make use of aliases a lot), thenthe RBT-scripts will (try to) compile the program htop for me,as specified by the corresponding "htop.yml" file, which is part ofthe RBT project - within the Cookbooks namespace. Hence, withinRBT::Cookbooks.
The "default settings" that I may use for these programs go intoa specific .yml file, whereas the commandline switches allowme to specifically override or cherry-pick other settings, basedon the machine that I am working with. For example, on GoboLinuxthe AppDir prefix makes a lot of sense. On slackware on theother hand I may decide to just use /usr as option givento --prefix=.
This is useful in the sense that, ideally, I can get away with onlypassing the name of the program that is to be compiled, withoutneeding to change anything. It allows me to be lazy - andjust get things to "work", when they are compiled (if the compilationprocess itself will work).
The above is fairly old content - generation of pdf-filesmay not work properly anymore. It is not so important, though,as the RBT suite's primary objective is to support compilationof programs, from source.
The functionality is assumed to extend theRBT namespace directly. In the past the file wassimply called extended.rb, but the namemodule_programs is more logical, so it wasrenamed to module_programs.rb some yearsago.
People who may have been using other languages, such as PHP or perl,may agree with this e. g. when comparing these languages to, say,ruby or python. I do not think python could have been so dominatingamong the 'scripting' programming languages if it would have had asyntax like perl.
Anyway. This was sort of the initial impetus for creating theRBT project. Lots of years have gone by since then ... well over adecade, really. I can not even pinpoint to a single year when the RBTproject was started, since it started out as a set of semi-random .rbfiles/scripts, but I think the rbt project was created, throughthe old cookbooks project, in the year 2005, give or take. Thefile called cookbook_statistics.md keeps some old entries. Forexample, in late October in the year 2005, the old Cookbooks project,which was eventually changed into RBT, already had 274 programs registered,so it had to have been started prior to October 2005. For comparison -in the middle of May 2019, 3593 programs were already integratedinto the RBT project. In January 2021 3724 programs arenow registered - it keeps on growing, slowly, but steadily. (And yes,sometimes old programs that were not updated in decades, are removedas well. I try to keep the registered programs count for projectsthat, with some patches, could be adapted to the modern era.)
As it was already mentioned, in the past there used to be a separateproject called Cookbooks, the predecessor to RBT::Cookbooks.That project specifically handled the recipes for the programs, thatis, how to install or compile something specifically. In the year2018 the Cookbooks project has been fully merged into the RBTproject, primarily to make syncing the code easier. The RBT::Cookbooksnamespace handles the source files' logic, whereas RBT itself handleshow to interprete this information, in particular through the mainclass to use for compiling something, which is the classRBT::Installer. (The old class RBT::Compile has been deprecatedin 2022.) 2ff7e9595c